Friday, December 25, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Octopus Diptych Process

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Moleskin Madness

Friday, December 11, 2009
Jack White's Owl

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Heart of Darkness Continued
Tonight was the last night of my illustration class. I can't believe how fast the semester went by, and I am sad it is over. The last assignment was to create a book cover. If you have been following my posts you would have seen the rough idea drawings for my "Heart of Darkness" cover. I knew I wanted to use the character Kurtz for the cover, but I grappled with how he should be presented.
To help me decide I reread sections of the book and concluded that the direction I had been going was too brutal. The character Kurtz is ruthless, but he is also sophisticated. He is the type of person who could break your neck with his bare hands one second, or give you the best advice you have ever heard the next. Kurtz is a man who traded his humanity for knowledge and power, and sacrificed everything to satisfy his evil curiosities.
So, I scaled back the rage and let my pencil search for a Kurtz with a deceptively calm exterior. Mysterious and unpredictable.
I arrived with this pencil sketch below of a Rasputin like character. I then colored it with watercolor and prisma pencil, and added the copy with photoshop. I hope it captures the inner darkness of us all.

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Hanging out at Uncle Andy's House

Friday, December 4, 2009
Low Tire Pressure

My truck's front right tire is leaking. So I took it to Goodyear Tires to get it fixed. There was a borders across the street and I decided that would be a better place to wait than the greasy Goodyear lobby, the guy told me he would call me when it's finished. I whiled away my time reading books and people watching. This lady was really into the book she was reading, and she took notes on a little pad of paper. She was reading it intently, and would sigh every three minutes like she was upset or something. So I drew a quick sketch of her. I wonder what the book was about . . . Oh, and Goodyear never got around to my truck's tire. They told me to come back tomorrow. Yeah right, like that's gonna happen.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Heart of Darkness

Graphite and Col-Erase on paper
Working on a book cover project for class. I chose "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad. Most of the copies of HOD I have seen have boring covers. So I am excited about bringing a fresh look to the cover. The book is pretty physiological, and with that in mind I decided the character Kurtz would be perfect. I am trying to capture something with impact, mystery, and a little violence. It feels good to let out the brutal side a little while working on this. Stay tuned for the finished product, should be done by next week.
Leave me comments about what you think about the direction.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
KISS+Thanksgiving+Hiking=Great 4 Day weekend

First of all, I would like to say thanks for family and friends, and for having a job. And for having a little time off from that job. It was great spending my four day weekend with everyone I love. My younger brother Jeff came home from college for some home cooked turkey and it was great seeing him.
Things started out this weekend with a KISS concert at the staples center on Wednesday. Those guys may be old but they can still ROCK! Besides how could I turn down free tickets for a suite? The best part was when Gene Simmons played his bass solo on top of the stage lights. Yes, that's right, he had a wire pull him 60 ft into the air and he stood on top of the stage lights to play his solo accompanied with pyrotechnics. It was one of the most amazing concerts I have ever seen. Those guys can sure put on a show.
Then Thursday it was Thanksgiving turkey at Grandma's and dessert at my Girlfriend's uncle's.
I think Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because there is no stress over presents. Just family and food. I love it.
To round off the weekend my Girlfriend and I went on a hike with some friends. Now its time to kick back, watch a movie rental and enjoy the last few hours of the holiday weekend savoring happy memories.
Thursday, November 19, 2009

I was feeling a little antsy so I decided to do a little people watching, and practice my gesture drawing skills at the nearest starbucks (which happens to be right next to the theater).
While sipping a decaf Americano I watched as the coffee shop was inundated with a steady stream of annoying coeds. They were all bundled up cozy, frumpy, and in search of a caffeine rush. I think they are going to need it if they plan on getting through the latest installment of the twilight trilogy.
Just my luck to get surrounded by twilighters when trying to draw!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Self Portrait in Shop

Using my ichat cam as a mirror I made a rough drawing of myself with a col-erase pencil on illustration board, then I scanned it into photoshop. Strengthened the line a little with the brush tool, and then blocked in colors on different layers. The portrait is not quite finished but I got a little bored and didn't feel like cleaning up the edges. It feels great to practice using the graphics tablet. More to come! . . .hopefully soon
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Learning how to sell the sizzle and not the steak
My latest project in my illustration class was to create an advertisement for the energy drink Xenergy. Since Xenergy is a major competitor to red bull I went with a sexy girl matador out maneuvering a dopey bull. When I told my teacher that I was concerned I wasn’t showing the product enough he said, “Who cares about the can? Show us the girl! Sell the sizzle not the steak!” So that’s what I did, and I think it came out nice. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to take a nice photo because I was rushing to class, but it gets the idea across.
Ink and watercolor, and colored pencil on cold press illustration board, 11x17”
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Dancing Crocodiles
Sunday, October 25, 2009

This is a ruff drawing for a digital painting I am working on entitled "Sleep." For three weeks I have been craving sleep. Between work, school, and my personal goals I have been unable to get enough Zs, and through most of the day sleep tugs on me, pulling at my eye lids, and weighing heavily on my muscles. It takes all my will power and lots of coffee to stay half awake.
Last night I was driving home late and I had this vision of a woman pulling a shroud over me, beckoning me to close my eyes and dream. . . It seemed so peaceful, and yet spooky (especially since I was driving!). In any case I thought it would make a great image. So I want to make a digital painting from this idea, but I may end up doing a traditional painting in oils, or acrylic, or with luck both. Right now I just have composition sketches. Stay tuned for the finished work. :)