
First of all, I would like to say thanks for family and friends, and for having a job. And for having a little time off from that job. It was great spending my four day weekend with everyone I love. My younger brother Jeff came home from college for some home cooked turkey and it was great seeing him.
Things started out this weekend with a KISS concert at the staples center on Wednesday. Those guys may be old but they can still ROCK! Besides how could I turn down free tickets for a suite? The best part was when Gene Simmons played his bass solo on top of the stage lights. Yes, that's right, he had a wire pull him 60 ft into the air and he stood on top of the stage lights to play his solo accompanied with pyrotechnics. It was one of the most amazing concerts I have ever seen. Those guys can sure put on a show.
Then Thursday it was Thanksgiving turkey at Grandma's and dessert at my Girlfriend's uncle's.
I think Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because there is no stress over presents. Just family and food. I love it.
To round off the weekend my Girlfriend and I went on a hike with some friends. Now its time to kick back, watch a movie rental and enjoy the last few hours of the holiday weekend savoring happy memories.